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337 results

  • Aggravated Vehicle Taking Offences

    Why aggravated vehicle taking and other motoring related matters? In 2023 the Sentencing Council published new and revised sentencing guidelines for a range of motoring offences relating to dangerous and careless driving. This was a wide-ranging package, but there remain several motoring-related offences for which guidelines do not exist or are out of date. There are currently magistrates’ courts guidelines for aggravated vehicle taking offences involving dangerous... More
    Closed 22 May 2024
  • Immigration Offences

    Why Immigration offences? This consultation seeks views on a draft of the first dedicated sentencing guidelines for immigration offences under the Immigration Act 1971 and the Identity Documents Act 2010. There are currently no definitive guidelines for these offences. The draft guidelines cover the 1971 Act offences of Facilitation (assisting unlawful immigration to the UK and helping asylum - seekers to enter the UK) (section 25 and 25A); Deception... More
    Closed 12 June 2024
  • Limitation law in child sexual abuse cases

    This consultation paper seeks views on options for the reform of the law of limitation in child sexual abuse cases in England and Wales. Specifically, it considers the recommendation by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (‘the Inquiry’) on limitation law. It also examines the law of limitation in child sexual abuse cases in other jurisdictions examined by the Inquiry and seeks views on options, other than removal of the limitation period, for reform of limitation... More
    Closed 10 July 2024
  • Law Commission consultation on aviation autonomy

    UPDATE: THIS CONSULTATION CLOSED JUNE 28 BUT THE SUBMISSION WEBSITE WILL REMAIN OPEN UNTIL JULY 20 TO ALLOW THOSE WITH SAVED RESPONSES TO SUBMIT. WE WOULD BE GRATEFUL IF THOSE WISHING TO SUBMIT A RESPONSE AFTER JUNE 28 WOULD CONTACT THE TEAM VIA: This is a public consultation by the Law Commission for England and Wales. The Civil Aviation Authority (“CAA”), and the Department for Transport have asked the Law Commission... More
    Closed 20 July 2024
  • Non-fatal Strangulation and Suffocation Consultation

    What is the Sentencing Council? The Sentencing Council is the independent body responsible for developing sentencing guidelines for the courts to use when passing a sentence. The Council consults on its proposed guidelines before they come into force and makes changes to the guidelines as a result of consultations. What is the Council consulting about? The Council has produced this consultation paper in order to seek views from as many people as possible... More
    Closed 14 August 2024
  • Law Commission consultation on contempt of court

    This is a public consultation by the Law Commission for England and Wales. We are conducting a review of the law on contempt of court and considering the need for reform to improve its effectiveness, consistency, and coherence. Our objective is to produce a law of contempt that is easier to understand, fairer, and that better protects the administration of justice. For more information about this project, see our project webpage . ... More
    Closes 8 November 2024
  • Law Commission of England and Wales: your ideas for law reform

    Please use this questionnaire to tell us where you think there is a significant problem with the law. We want to know what you think is wrong and what practical problems arise. Please give us as much information as you can, even if you cannot answer all the questions. More
    Closes 31 December 2050
337 results. Page 12 of 12