Balance of Competences Review: Call for Evidence on Civil Judicial Cooperation (including family matters)
Results updated 13 Feb 2014
This report examines the balance of competences between the European Union and the United Kingdom in the area of civil judicial cooperation.
It is a reflection and analysis of the evidence submitted by experts, non-governmental organisations, businesspeople, Members of Parliament and other interested parties, either in writing or orally, as well as a literature review of relevant material.
Where appropriate, the report sets out the current position agreed within the Coalition Government for handling this policy area in the EU. It does not predetermine or prejudge proposals that either Coalition party may make in the future for changes to the EU or about the appropriate balance of competences.
- Civil judicial cooperation report - review of the balance of competences , 408.5 KB (PDF document)
- Evidence submitted, 5.7 MB (Zip archive)
The Balance of Competences Review, launched by the Government last summer, is an opportunity for people to have their say on what the EU does and how it affects the UK. This piece of work will deepen our understanding of EU membership, and help shape the UK’s policies in relation to the EU.
This call for evidence is to examine the scope and nature of the EU’s power to act in the area of Civil Judicial Cooperation (including family matters). To ensure this is an informed and objective analysis, we would like to invite you to contribute objective, factual information about the impact or effect of EU competence in your area of expertise. The Call for Evidence sets out the scope of the report includes a series of broad questions on which we ask contributors to focus.
The Civil Judicial Cooperation Review will be completed by December 2013 and is audit of how EU law and its operation and enforcement affect the UK. It is intended to develop a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the scope and nature of the EU’s power to act on matters of civil judicial cooperation.
The Call for Evidence
We invite input from anyone with relevant knowledge, expertise or experience. This is your opportunity to express your views. Your evidence should be objective, factual information about the impact or effect of the competence in your area of expertise.
We will expect to publish your response and the name of your organisation unless you ask us not to (but please note that, even if you ask us to keep your contribution confidential, we might have to release it in response to a request under the Freedom of Information Act). We will not publish your own name unless you wish it to be included. Please base your response on answers to the questions we have set out.
Please note that this is not a formal consultation, but an evidence gathering exercise.
- Citizens
- Local authorities
- Voluntary organisations
- Government departments
- Legal professionals
- Judiciary
- European Union
- International law
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