Review of the Brussels I Regulation - How should the UK approach the negotiations

Closed 11 Feb 2011

Opened 22 Dec 2010

Results updated 5 Feb 2012

Forty-six responses were received from interested individuals and organisations on the European Commission’s proposals to repeal and replace the current Brussels I Regulation.

A majority of respondents agreed that it would be in the national interest for the United Kingdom to apply the revised Brussels I Regulation in the terms in which it has been published by the European Commission.



Reference number: CP18/10

The Government is seeking views on the European Commission’s proposals to repeal and replace the current Brussels I Regulation.

The Regulation is concerned with private international law matters that arise in the context of jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters.

The Regulation concerns uniform rules to settle conflicts of jurisdiction, facilitate the mutual recognition and enforcement of judgments, settlements and authentic instruments within the European Union. The Regulation also includes rules to assist courts in settling jurisdictional matters.

The consultation seeks the views of interested individuals and organisations as to how the United Kingdom should approach the negotiations to the revised Regulation.


  • Businesses
  • Citizens


  • European Union