Revenge porn - have your say

Closed 7 Sep 2014

Opened 18 Aug 2014


Revenge porn refers to the distribution of images which are sexually explicit or involve nudity, without the consent of the person depicted and with the intention of causing distress or embarrassment to that person. These images are usually, but not exclusively, shared online or via other digital means.

The Government is keen to understand more about the scale of this issue, whether incidents are being reported to the police or other authorities and, where they are, how these are being dealt with. This will allow us to understand whether more needs to be done to address the problem.

Please do help us by filling in the survey and having your say.

Web chat

We held a web chat on the 2 September to find out more about the scale of the revenge porn issue and to get your thoughts on the current response to dealing with it.

Read the transcript of the web chat


  • Citizens
  • Voluntary organisations
  • Charities
  • Police
  • Victims


  • Law
  • Access to justice
  • UK Law