Strategy for the Secure Estate for Children and Young People in England and Wales

Closed 11 Oct 2011

Opened 19 Jul 2011

Results updated 12 Nov 2012

The government’s response to the consultation summarises the responses received and explains the changes the government has decided to make.

Feedback received from the consultation influenced the development of plans for the secure estate for children and young people in England and Wales (Developing the Secure Estate for Children and Young People in England and Wales – Plans until 2015).

These plans set out the principles and priorities for the secure estate during the current spending review period until 2015 and set a clear framework for the development of the secure estate for children and young people.

In addition, the government is working with the Youth Justice Board to develop a longer term strategy that will explore wider ambitions beyond the spending review period.

A total of 80 responses to the consultation were received from a range of stakeholders. The majority of responses were received from youth offending teams/children’s services representatives, government and official bodies, as well as third sector organisations with an interest and expertise in youth justice.

All responses to the consultation have been grouped together alphabetically into four documents and are available to download.

In addition, as part of the consultation, the views of a representative sample of children and young people from across the secure estate were sought via a questionnaire and focus groups. A total of 678 young people were sampled (just over one third of the custodial population at the time the survey was carried out).




The consultation invites views on a proposed strategy for the under-18 secure estate for the years 2011/12 and 2014/15.

It is aimed at individuals and organisations with an interest in the youth justice system and youth custody in particular. This includes secure estate providers, youth justice practitioners and service providers, childrens charities and related third sector pressure groups, co-commissioners in health and education, local authority children’s services managers, parliamentarians and young people in the youth justice system.


  • Youth workers


  • Youth Justice