Business Tenancies Consultation Paper 1

Closes 19 Feb 2025

What type of tenancies should be covered by the 1954 Act? (Chapter 4)

Consultation Question 4: We invite consultees’ views as to whether the existing scope of the 1954 Act is appropriate.

In particular, we invite consultees’ views as to whether:

  1. the extent of the Use Excluded Tenancies is appropriate;
  2. the extent of the Duration Excluded Tenancies is appropriate; and
  3. there are other types of business tenancy (or business tenancies with certain characteristics) that should be excluded from the scope of the 1954 Act.

Please see paragraph 4.62 of the Consultation Paper.

We invite consultees’ views as to whether their answer would differ depending upon which underlying model for the 1954 Act is recommended.

Please see paragraph 4.63 of the Consultation Paper.

Consultation Question 5: We invite consultees’ views as to whether our assessment of the potential benefits and disadvantages of reforming the scope of the 1954 Act is correct.

Please see paragraph 4.64 of the Consultation Paper.

Consultation Question 6: We invite consultees’ views, together with evidence wherever possible, as to what impact a change to the scope of the 1954 Act would have:
  1. on the parties to tenancies and their advisors; and
  2. on the commercial leasehold market.

Please see paragraph 4.65 of the Consultation Paper.

Consultation Question 7: We invite consultees to tell us if they believe, or have evidence or data to suggest, that changes to the model of security of tenure, or the scope of the 1954 Act, could result in advantages or disadvantages to certain groups or to individuals based on certain characteristics (with particular attention to age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation).

Please see paragraph 4.69 of the Consultation Paper.

Please tell us anything you wish us to know which is not addressed elsewhere in this consultation.