Law commission consultation reviewing the Friendly Societies Act 1974 and 1992

Closes 11 Jun 2025

Chapter 4: Members, meetings, and management

Consultation Question 15:

At present, members or persons with an interest in a friendly society’s funds may inspect its records or books. We ask consultees whether it is necessary to introduce a safeguard, so that the register of members may only be inspected with the permission of the FCA.

Consultation Question 16: We ask consultees whether friendly societies should take an opt-in approach or an opt-out approach to electronic communication with their members.
Consultation Question 17: We ask for consultees’ views on whether reform is needed in respect of the duty to contact members to inform them of certain legally significant events such as a proposed transfer, and, if reform is needed, how this duty should be modified.
Consultation Question 18: We provisionally propose that the notice period for a meeting should expire with the date of the meeting, including where proxy voting is permitted. Do consultees agree?
Consultation Question 19: We ask consultees whether proxy voting should be permitted at meetings of delegates voting on special resolutions.
Consultation Question 20: We ask consultees whether there is a need to introduce additional rules or requirements in relation to the power of the committee of management to co-opt individuals to the committee, and if so, what rules or requirements should be introduced.
Consultation Question 21:

We invite consultees’ views on whether there are any general duties applying to company directors which should be different for members of a friendly society’s committee of management.

Consultation Question 22: We invite consultees’ views on the need for reform of the duties of officers and trustees of societies registered under the 1974 Act.
Consultation Question 23: We provisionally propose that friendly society law should follow company law so that the consequences of a breach of duty by a committee member or officer are those provided by common law or equity. Do consultees agree?
Consultation Question 24:

We provisionally propose that the committee members and officers of an incorporated friendly society should be disqualified for repeated breaches of the friendly society legislation. Do consultees agree?

Consultation Question 25:
Consultation Question 26:
Consultation Question 27:

We provisionally propose that an incorporated friendly society’s committee of management and its committee members should be referred to as its board of directors, and its directors. Do consultees agree?