Law commission consultation reviewing the Friendly Societies Act 1974 and 1992

Closes 11 Jun 2025

Chapter 5: Accounts, audits, and friendly societies that are public interest entities

Consultation Question 28: We provisionally propose that friendly societies should be permitted to elect their financial year-end date, subject to certain limitations regarding the time period that may elapse between accounting periods, and subject to any necessary transitional arrangements. Do consultees agree?
Consultation Question 29: We provisionally propose the following (see below). Do consultees agree?
Consultation Question 30: We ask consultees whether the regulators should be empowered to require electronic-only filing of documents.
Consultation Question 31: We invite consultees’ views on the following. (1) Whether there should be a tiered approach to audit for small friendly societies not carrying out regulated insurance activities.
Consultation Question 32: We provisionally propose the following for small friendly societies that do not undertake regulated activities (see below). Assuming that a satisfactory approach can be found to determining when a friendly society is “small”, do consultees agree with provisional proposals (1) to (4)?
Consultation Question 33: We provisionally propose that the committee of management should be permitted to appoint auditors and determine their remuneration. Do consultees agree?
Consultation Question 34: We invite consultees’ views on whether the statutory cap on remuneration rates for auditors under the 1974 Act should be removed.
Consultation Question 35: Assuming that the 1974 Act is retained, we provisionally propose the following for societies and branches registered under the 1974 Act (see below), which are not subject to any other statutory duty in respect of audit. Do consultees agree?
Consultation Question 36: We invite consultees’ views on whether charitable registered societies should continue to be exempt charities and if so, whether any reform in respect of their audit requirement is required.
Consultation Question 37: We are provisionally of the view that the Friendly Societies (General Charge and Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 1996/3094 have no real effect and ought to be revoked. Do consultees agree?
Consultation Question 38: What benefits do PIE audits offer to friendly societies?
Consultation Question 39: We invite consultees to provide evidence of any disproportionate burdens associated with PIE audits and to share their views on any steps that could be taken to avoid or reduce these burdens so that a more proportionate approach could be developed.