Law commission consultation reviewing the Friendly Societies Act 1974 and 1992

Closes 11 Jun 2025

Chapter 7: Amalgamation and conversion of friendly societies

Consultation Question 42: We invite consultees’ views on whether there is a need for a simplified process for the following.

(1) Amalgamation of two or more registered branches of the same friendly society.


(2) Amalgamation of two or more (registered or incorporated) friendly societies that carry on regulated insurance business.

(3) Amalgamation of two or more (registered or incorporated) friendly societies that provide only discretionary benefits to their members and that are not authorised to carry on regulated insurance activities.

(4) Amalgamation of two or more registered societies (other than friendly societies).

Consultation Question 43: We invite consultees’ views on whether a special resolution and member statement should be required where two or more registered branches or distinct friendly societies are proposing an amalgamation with the support of the relevant actuaries.
Consultation Question 44: We invite consultees’ views on what information a member statement regarding conversion of a friendly society into a company should contain.
Consultation Question 45: We ask consultees whether a friendly society that converts into a company should be permitted to pursue a range of objects that is more extensive than its objects as a friendly society. Alternatively, should the existing limitations on the objects that can be pursued be retained?
Consultation Question 46: We provisionally propose that the law should be clarified in the following ways (see below). Do consultees agree?