Law commission consultation reviewing the Friendly Societies Act 1974 and 1992

Closes 11 Jun 2025

Chapter 11: Exit from the market

Consultation Question 63: We invite consultees’ views on whether existing mechanisms for solvent exit under the 1974 Act and 1992 Act are sufficient or whether reform is needed.
Consultation Question 64:

Assuming that the 1974 Act is retained, we provisionally propose that a creditor of a registered society should have the right to petition the court to wind up an insolvent society. Do consultees agree?

We invite consultees’ views on whether members of a society registered under that Act should be permitted to petition the court for a winding up of the society, and if so under what circumstances should this be possible

We invite consultees’ views on whether it is necessary to clarify that section 95 of the 1974 Act applies only to registered societies other than registered friendly societies.

Consultation Question 65: We seek consultees’ views on whether administration should be available to friendly societies.