Solving disputes in the county courts

Closed 30 Jun 2011

Opened 29 Mar 2011

Results updated 18 Feb 2012

A total of 319 responses to the consultation paper were received from members of the legal profession, mediators/mediation provider organisations, the advice sector, the judiciary, businesses, insurers, local authorities, banks, academics, and members of the public.

This document summarises the responses according to the four themed chapters set out in the consultation paper.



The consultation 'Solving disputes in the county courts: creating a simpler, quicker and more proportionate system' sets out, and seeks views on, proposals to reform the civil justice system in the courts in England and Wales.
This consultation is aimed at the public, at business, and all those who have an interest in the civil justice system in England and Wales.


  • Businesses
  • Citizens


  • Courts