The new remand framework for children: Allocation of new burdens funding to local authorities
Results updated 15 Mar 2013
- Consultation response, 152.6 KB (PDF document)
- Funding allocation for individual Local Authorities (2013-14), 82.0 KB (Excel spreadsheet)
The youth remand provisions in the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 received Royal Assent on 1 May 2012 and allows for local authorities to be given greater financial responsibility for secure remand.
In this consultation paper the Ministry of Justice and the Youth Justice Board set out their proposals:
- for allocating new burdens funding to local authorities in England & Wales in relation to remands to youth detention accommodation;
- for recovery of the costs of remands to youth detention accommodation in England & Wales;
- in relation to the costs of escorting remanded children to and from youth detention accommodation; and
- allocating new burdens funding to local authorities in England & Wales in relation to the treatment of all children remanded to youth detention accommodation as looked after children.
Why your views matter
Financial responsibility for secure youth remands will be devolved from April 2013.
In line with the Department for Communities and Local Government's (DCLG) new burdens doctrine, we will transfer funding to enable local authorities to help meet their new responsibility for the costs of secure remands and additional "looked after" children.
We therefore seek your views on the funding proposals set out in this consultation paper.
- Voluntary organisations
- Local authorities
- Youth workers
- Young people
- Voluntary organisations
- Legal professionals
- Judiciary
- Young offender institute staff
- Youth Justice
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