355 results
Introducing Fees in the Employment Tribunals and the Employment Appeal Tribunal
This consultation proposes the reintroduction of modest fees in the Employment Tribunals (ET) and Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT), with the aim to contribute to the continuous improvement of His Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service and reduce the cost to the taxpayer to fund these services. The proposals discussed in this consultation are to introduce modest fees for claimants to bring a claim in the ET and appellants bringing an appeal in the EAT. MoreClosed 25 March 2024 -
Digital assets as personal property draft clauses
This is a public consultation by the Law Commission for England and Wales. In June 2023 we published our final report on digital assets which included a recommendation that legislation should confirm the existence of a "third category" of personal property into which crypto-tokens and potentially other assets could fall. This is a short consultation on draft legislative provisions that would implement that recommendation. For more information about this project, click ... MoreClosed 23 March 2024 -
Murder sentencing consultation
Murder is the most serious crime a person can commit, and we must ensure that in every case the sentence is commensurate with the severity of the crime. Everyone should feel safe in their own home and our sentencing framework must reflect the seriousness of violence and abuse which is committed by those closest to them. The Government has already introduced legislation to give domestic murders specialist consideration in the sentencing framework. These measures were... MoreClosed 4 March 2024 -
Local Criminal Justice Board Call for Evidence
This Call for Evidence is seeking evidence from all parties with an interest in Local Criminal Justice Boards (LCJBs) to better understand the challenges that LCJBs face and how they can best be supported. This Call for Evidence is aimed at, but not limited to, the following individuals: LCJB administration staff Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs), as chairs of the Boards Local representatives from Police Forces Local... MoreClosed 23 February 2024 -
Imposition of community and custodial sentences guideline consultation
What is this consultation about? The Sentencing Council is proposing to revise the Imposition of community and custodial sentences guideline. The existing Imposition of community and custodial sentences overarching guideline was issued on 1 February 2017. The Imposition guideline is the overarching guideline for general principles around imposing community orders and custodial sentences, and in what circumstances a custodial sentence can be suspended. It is also the main... MoreClosed 21 February 2024 -
Review of Civil Legal Aid - Call for evidence
The aim of this call for evidence is to obtain more information to further inform the Review of Civil Legal Aid and feed into policy development work. The Review welcomes evidence under the Terms of Reference and seeks comments and evidence against the questions below. We are particularly interested in responses which will increase the evidence we have to inform the Review and future policy development. Please provide any specific evidence or data you have that... MoreClosed 21 February 2024 -
New prison near Market Harborough: Reserved matters
DLUHC’s Secretary of State reached a decision on 15 November 2023 to grant outline planning permission for the new prison. MoJ will now seek full planning permission and bring forward the next planning application in the process with more detailed information (the Reserved Matters application). You can find further information on reserved matters here . Please use this form to submit your comments. MoreClosed 4 February 2024 -
Including claimant data on the Register of Judgments, Orders and Fines
This consultation considers a proposal to amend the law to allow for the names of claimants of money judgments in the County Court and High Court to be published on the Register of Judgments, Orders and Fines in England and Wales. The consultation seeks views on: the potential benefits of including claimant name s on the Register any potential disadvantages and/or risks to either the claimant or defendant as a result of the publication of this... MoreClosed 16 January 2024 -
Implementing increases to selected court and tribunal fees
This consultation proposes changes to selected court and tribunal fees, which aim to contribute to the continuous improvement of His Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service and reduce the cost to the taxpayer to fund its services. The proposals discussed in this consultation are to: Make increases to a selection of court and tribunal fees from 2024 Make routine updates to fees every two years Set the council tax liability Order fee under the Lord... MoreClosed 22 December 2023 -
Law Commission issues paper on criminal appeals
This is a public consultation by the Law Commission for England and Wales. The Law Commission is conducting a review of the law governing appeals in criminal cases and considering the need for reform with a view to ensuring that the courts have powers that enable the effective, efficient and appropriate resolution of appeals. The review will be particularly concerned with inconsistencies, uncertainties and gaps in the law. For more information about this... MoreClosed 30 November 2023 -
Law Commission summary issues paper on criminal appeals
This is a public consultation by the Law Commission for England and Wales. The Law Commission is conducting a review of the law governing appeals in criminal cases and considering the need for reform with a view to ensuring that the courts have powers that enable the effective, efficient and appropriate resolution of appeals. The review will be particularly concerned with inconsistencies, uncertainties and gaps in the law. For more information about this... MoreClosed 30 November 2023 -
Miscellaneous Amendments to sentencing guidelines 2023
What is this consultation about? The Sentencing Council has built up a large body of sentencing guidelines and accompanying materials that are in use in courts throughout England and Wales. Over time guidelines require updating because users have pointed out issues (often using the feedback function on all guidelines) or case law or new legislation may render aspects of guidelines out of date. The Council therefore holds an annual consultation on miscellaneous amendments to... MoreClosed 30 November 2023 -
Reforming Fees in the United Kingdom Supreme Court
This consultation proposes a series of reforms to the fees payable in the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom. These reforms will secure additional resources that will go directly towards supporting the Supreme Court’s operation. In doing so, this will support the Supreme Court in its important constitutional role as the final court of appeal in the United Kingdom. The aims of these proposals are: to ensure a straightforward system for applicants to understand and the... MoreClosed 27 November 2023 -
Consultation on youth remand funding arrangements
This paper sets out for consultation the current system of youth remand funding and asks for views about how funding can be used to meet the youth justice system’s aim of preventing offending and reoffending by children and young people. The consultation is aimed at Local Authorities, Youth Offending Teams (YOTs) and others working with children in the youth justice system in England and Wales. MoreClosed 8 November 2023 -
Law Commission consultation on evidence in sexual offences prosecutions
This is a public consultation by the Law Commission for England and Wales. The Law Commission is conducting a review of the law, guidance, and practice relating to the trial process in prosecutions of sexual offences and considering the need for reform in order to increase the understanding of consent and sexual harm and improve the treatment of victims while ensuring that defendants receive a fair trial. For more information about this project,... MoreClosed 31 October 2023 -
Law Commission summary consultation on evidence in sexual offences prosecutions
This is a public consultation by the Law Commission for England and Wales. The Law Commission is conducting a review of the law, guidance, and practice relating to the trial process in prosecutions of sexual offences and considering the need for reform in order to increase the understanding of consent and sexual harm and improve the treatment of victims while ensuring that defendants receive a fair trial. For more information... MoreClosed 31 October 2023 -
Law Commission consultation on the way evidence is used when courts deal with sexual offences - Easy Read
This is a public consultation by the Law Commission for England and Wales. The Law Commission is conducting a review of the law, guidance, and practice relating to the trial process in prosecutions of sexual offences and considering the need for reform in order to increase the understanding of consent and sexual harm and improve the treatment of victims while ensuring that defendants receive a fair trial. For more information about this project, click here . ... MoreClosed 31 October 2023 -
Diversionary and Community Cautions: Draft Code of Practice
This public consultation invites views on the operational impact and workability of the newly drafted Code of Practice for the statutory two-tier framework of Out of Court Disposals, as set out in The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts (PCSC) Act 2022. Out of Court Disposals (OOCDs) is the term used for a range of pre-charge sanctions, used by Police and other prosecution agencies to deal with less serious offending. The PCSC Act 2022 set out reforms to replace the current framework of... MoreClosed 13 October 2023 -
Revisions to the Medical Reporting Process for Road Traffic Accident Claims
We are seeking stakeholder input on several issues of relevance to those who commission and/or provide medical reports used in support of RTA related PI claims valued up to £5,000. Specifically, we are seeking views on: revised qualifying criteria for medical reporting organisations (MROs) and rules for medical experts who accept direct instructions (DMEs) the number and type of MROs and/or DMEs ‘offered’ to both represented and unrepresented claimants when... MoreClosed 10 October 2023 -
Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme Review: additional consultation 2023
This consultation seeks to gather views on potential changes to the scope and time limits of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme 2012 (the Scheme) in response to the recommendations of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse. We previously undertook a public consultation in 2020 on recommendations from a review of the Scheme. In this, we sought views on proposals to improve the experience of victims applying to the Scheme, by making it simpler and easier to... MoreClosed 15 September 2023 -
A consultation on the implementation process for applying a 30-year time limit for claims on the Unclaimed Balances fund
This consultation is open to the public and seeks to gather views on how the government will manage the process of applying a time limit on funds paid into the Court Funds Office for civil claims which remain unclaimed for 30 years or more and returning the funds to the Exchequer. The consultation is aimed at users of the Court Funds Office services, judiciary, court and tribunal services, heir hunter firms or members of the public with an interest in or views on the subject covered... MoreClosed 31 August 2023 -
Legal aid fees in the Illegal Migration Bill
The consultation is aimed at anyone with an interest in the provision of immigration and asylum legal aid, specifically the work impacted by the Home Office’s Illegal Migration Bill (IMB). This includes, but is not limited to, members of the legal profession and their professional representative bodies, and legal services regulators. The Ministry of Justice has published a consultation paper outlining the proposal that for all work undertaken pursuant to Clause 55 of the IMB,... MoreClosed 7 August 2023 -
Tribunals leadership: Consultation on reform of the office of Senior President of Tribunals
The independent office of Senior President of Tribunals (SPT) provides leadership to the tribunals judiciary. Since the creation of the statutory office, the senior judiciary across the courts and tribunals have taken forward a number of initiatives to bring the courts and tribunals closer together (the ‘One Judiciary’ programme) and shape a modern justice system. To give further support to One Judiciary, the Government proposes to replace the existing office of... MoreClosed 6 July 2023 -
Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs) - Law Commission Call for Evidence
This is a call for evidence by the Law Commission for England and Wales. The Law Commission has been asked to undertake a 15-month scoping study to explore and describe the current treatment of DAOs under the law of England and Wales and identify options for how they should be treated in law in the future in a way which would clarify their status and facilitate uptake. Given the myriad DAO implementations, the scoping study might identify different “types” or... MoreClosed 24 June 2023 -
Supporting earlier resolution of private family law arrangements
A consultation on resolving families’ disputes earlier through family mediation. This consultation is open to all. We would be particularly interested to hear from organisations representing separating families, family justice professionals, mediation service providers, other dispute resolution service providers and individuals who have lived experience of the family courts or mediation. MoreClosed 15 June 2023 -
Revising the ‘Help with Fees’ remission scheme
This consultation seeks views on a number of changes to the ‘Help with Fees’ remission scheme for courts and tribunal fees. This consultation proposes a series of reforms to make the Help with Fees scheme more generous, target financial assistance at those most in need, whilst providing value for money for the taxpayer. The key changes are to: Raise the income thresholds for determining eligibility Revise the... MoreClosed 30 May 2023 -
Law Commission second consultation on the Arbitration Act 1996
This is a public consultation by the Law Commission for England and Wales. This project reviews the Arbitration Act 1996, to consider whether any reform is necessary, to ensure the Act remains state of the art. This is our second consultation paper. For more information about this project, click here . We recommend that consultees read the second consultation paper before responding to the consultation. A shorter... MoreClosed 22 May 2023 -
Personal Injury Discount Rate: Exploring the option of a dual/multiple rate
This call for evidence examines how a dual/multiple personal injury discount rate system might work and what its effects on claimants and defendants might be. It is aimed at people with an interest in high value personal injury claims in England and Wales and how damages awarded are invested. The call for evidence closed on 11 April 2023 and a response document has now been prepared and published. The response document summarises the submissions received from stakeholders but does... MoreClosed 11 April 2023 -
Totality guideline consultation
What is this consultation about? The Sentencing Council is proposing to revise the Totality guideline. In summary, when sentencing an offender for more than one offence, or where the offender is already serving a sentence, courts must consider whether the total sentence is just and proportionate to the overall offending behaviour. The Totality guideline sets out the principles to be followed, the approach for different types of sentence and gives examples of how sentences should... MoreClosed 11 January 2023 -
Implementing the Nationality and Borders Act 2022: Amendments to tribunal fees
The implementation of the Nationality and Borders Act 2022 will introduce new forms of appeal routes in the Immigration and Asylum Chambers of the First-tier and Upper Tribunal. This consultation seeks views on a number of changes to the fees structure in force in the Immigration and Asylum Chambers of the First-tier and Upper Tribunal. The consultation will run for 6 weeks and closes on 4 January 2023. We look forward to hearing the views of those with an interest in these... MoreClosed 4 January 2023
355 results.
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