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337 results

  • Independent Review into Self-Inflicted Deaths in NOMS Custody of 18-24 year olds - Call for submissions

    On 6 February 2014 the Justice Secretary announced an independent review into self-inflicted deaths in National Offender Management Service custody of 18-24 year olds and invited Lord Toby Harris, Chair of the Independent Advisory Panel on Deaths in Custody to conduct it. Independent Review into Self-Inflicted Deaths in NOMS Custody of 18-24 year olds - Call for submissions (PDF) The purpose of the review is to make recommendations to reduce the risk of future self-inflicted deaths in... More
    Opened 1 May 2014
  • Consultation on changes to MoJ statistics

    This consultation sets out a number of proposed changes to MoJ publications in relation to civil and criminal justice matters. Consultation on changes to MoJ Statistics (PDF) There will be no loss of information from these changes. However, the structure of publications and timing of release will be amended to better align with policy areas. The aim of these changes is to provide a more coherent structure to this information and improve the accessibility. The publications... More
    Opened 24 April 2014
  • Theft Offences Guideline

    The Sentencing Council is updating guidance for courts so that all theft offences are covered by a consistent set of guidelines. Theft Offences Guideline Consultation (PDF) The Council is seeking the views of as many people as possible interested in the sentencing of theft offences, particularly in respect of: the principal factors that make any of the offences included within the draft guideline more or less serious; the additional factors that should influence the... More
    Opened 3 April 2014
  • Claims management regulation

    In December 2013, the Compensation Act 2006 was amended by the Financial Services (Banking Reform) Act 2013 to give the Secretary of State power to make regulations that would enable the Claims Management Regulator to impose a financial penalty on any regulated claims management company found to be in breach of the conditions of authorisation. As a result, the Regulator’s enforcement toolkit is to be expanded accordingly. The proposed expansion means that the Regulator will... More
    Opened 31 March 2014
  • Judicial Appointments Commission Triennial Review 2014 - call for evidence

    Triennial Review Programme The landscape for public bodies is undergoing significant reform to increase transparency and accountability, to cut out duplication of activity, and to discontinue activities which are no longer needed. The reform programme includes the requirement for Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPBs) to undergo Triennial Reviews. The periodic review of our NDPBs is one of the ways that the Government intends to ensure that we maintain a lean, but effective,... More
    Opened 27 March 2014
  • Balance of competence review information rights

    The Balance of Competences Review was announced by the Foreign Secretary William Hague in July 2012 to examine the balance of competences between the UK and the European Union. The Review is an audit of what the EU does, and how it affects government and the general public in the UK. The Information Rights Balance of Competences review will focus on the specific information rights expressed by the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU); this covers two key areas: the... More
    Opened 27 March 2014
  • Court bundles: proposed changes to the legal aid Family Advocacy Scheme

    The Government needs to revise the current legal aid Family Advocacy Scheme as a result of proposed changes to Practice Direction 27A (PD 27A). Currently there is no particular limit on the size of a court bundle. Under the legal aid Family Advocacy Scheme, different payments are made to advocates for interim and final hearings according to the number of pages in the court bundle. More complex cases often involve larger bundles and therefore attract larger bundle payments. The... More
    Opened 13 March 2014
  • Review of Veterans within the Criminal Justice System Call for Evidence

    On 11 January 2014, Chris Grayling announced a review into the rehabilitation needs of ex-Armed Services personnel convicted of criminal offences and given a custodial or community sentence. The aim is to identify properly the reasons for ex-Service personnel ending up in the justice system, to look at the support provided to them and how that support can be improved. The review will be led by the MP for Penrith and the Border, Rory Stewart, who served in the Armed Forces and also worked... More
    Opened 13 March 2014
  • Proposed merger of the North-East Suffolk, South-East Suffolk and West Suffolk Local Justice Areas

    A consultation proposing a merger of the three current Local Justice Areas of North-East Suffolk, South-East Suffolk and West Suffolk and to merge the three Benches. It is aimed at court uers, partners, magistrates, judiciary, staff and other parties with an interest in the provision of local justice arrangements in Suffolk. The aim of the proposals is to provide the flxibility to enable all magistrates to undertake a number and range of sittings to develop and... More
    Opened 14 February 2014
  • Court fees: proposals for reform

    The courts play a vital role in our democracy. They provide access to justice for those who need it, help to maintain social order and support the proper functioning of the economy. They: deal with those accused of committing crimes, acquitting the innocent and convicting and punishing the guilty; provide the right environment for business and commerce to flourish, giving people the confidence to enter into business safe in the knowledge that the commercial arrangements... More
    Opened 3 December 2013
  • Proposals to amend the Conduct of Authorised Persons Rules: The Financial Services Perspective

    The Claims Management Regulator proposes to make changes to the Conduct of Authorised Persons Rules that authorised claims management companies need to follow when submitting claims on behalf of consumers. The changes aim to address issues identifed by stakeholders that have reported poor behaviour such as claims management companies making speculative claims, failing to substantiate claims and not undertaking robust pre-complaint checks. The proposed changes are designed to... More
    Opened 21 November 2013
  • Parole Board for England and Wales Triennial Review 2013

    Triennial review programme The public bodies sector is being reformed to stop the repetition of work and stop activities that aren’t needed. It is important that we run public services efficiently and effectively. The reform programme will mean Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPBs) will be reviewed every three years (a Triennial Review). A Triennial Review looks at the NDPB’s work, the best way for this work to be carried out, and the structure for managing the public body. ... More
    Opened 18 November 2013
  • Regulation fees paid by claims management companies

    This consultation invites views on the fees for applications for authorisation and annual fees for the regulation year 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015 for claims management companies. More
    Opened 15 November 2013
  • Consultation on out of court disposals

    We are consulting in order to give the public and practitioners an opportunity to share their thoughts and experiences of out of court disposals (OOCDs) and their use, and consider how they might be reformed. We want to pull together the knowledge, expertise, experience and opinions of policing and criminal justice stakeholders, and the public more widely, to ensure that out of court disposals are as effective, simple and transparent as possible. We also want to ensure that that any... More
    Opened 14 November 2013
  • Proposed changes to listing arrangements for Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Magistrates’ Courts

    HM Courts and Tribunals Service and the Justices’ Issues Groups for Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire are committed to delivering speedy summary justice by running an efficient, effective and accessible courts system which delivers timely justice in accessible buildings with suitable facilities for all court users. HMCTS and the Justices’ Issues Groups keep how best to achieve this objective under continuous review (within the resources available whilst maintaining judicial independence... More
    Opened 11 November 2013
  • Transforming management of young adults in custody

    We are proposing a new approach to managing young adults that takes into account the challenges of this age group as well as ensuring they benefit from wider reforms. Transforming Management of Young Adults in Custody Trawsnewid y Gwaith o Reoli Oedolion Ifanc yn y Ddalfa Many young adults are still maturing and sometimes lack the skills to negotiate complex social situations. When large numbers of people in this age group are held together, they can become so volatile it becomes... More
    Opened 7 November 2013
  • Supporting the introduction of the single Family Court – Proposed changes to Family legal aid remuneration schemes

    This consultation sets out the Government’s proposals for amendments to the current family legal aid remuneration schemes in England and Wales, which are required as a result of the planned introduction of the new single Family Court (FC). We anticipate that the proposals set out in this consultation would, if implemented as proposed, have no impact on legal aid recipients and no or minimal impact on provider income or the legal aid fund. Supporting the introduction of the single... More
    Opened 28 October 2013
  • Balance of Competences Fundamental Rights Review

    The Balance of Competences Review was announced by the Foreign Secretary William Hague in July 2012 to examine the balance of competences between the UK and the European Union. The Review is an audit of what the EU does, and how it affects government and the general public in the UK. This piece of work will deepen our understanding of EU membership, and help shape the UK’s policies in relation to the EU. The Balance of Competences Fundamental Rights Review examines the balance... More
    Opened 21 October 2013
  • Transforming the services of the Office of the Public Guardian - enabling digital by default

    Our consultation paper ‘Transforming the Services of the Office of the Public Guardian’, published on 27 July 2012, invited comments on a range of issues related to the Office of the Public Guardian’s (OPG) aspiration to deliver its services digitally by default. In our response, published in January 2013, we set out the changes that we would complete by April 2013. This included reducing the statutory waiting period for registering a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) form from six weeks... More
    Opened 15 October 2013
  • Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013 - Shared Buildings Regulations

    The Consultation seeks views on draft Regulations which provide arrangements for the registration of shared religious buildings to solemnize marriages of same sex couples. More
    Opened 3 October 2013
  • Proposal on the future of Neath Magistrates' Court

    This is a consultation proposal to close Neath Magistrates' Court and transfer the work to Swansea Magistrates' Court and merge the Neath and Port Talbot Bench and Swansea Bench. This site is in an area of significant redevelopment by Neath and Port Talbot County Borough Council following their securing of European and Welsh Government funding to regenerate the town. HM Courts and Tribunals Service have not been able to identify or secure another viable or affordable site within the... More
    Opened 26 September 2013
  • Cynnig ar ddyfodol Llys Ynadon Castell Nedd

    Mae’r ymgynghoriad hwn yn cynnig cau Llys Ynadon Castell Nedd a throsglwyddo’r gwaith i Lys Ynadon Abertawe, yn ogystal ag uno Mainc Castell Nedd a Phort Talbot gyda Mainc Abertawe. Mae’r safle mewn ardal sy’n cael ei ailddatblygu’n sylweddol gan Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Castell Nedd a Phort Talbot ar ôl iddynt sicrhau arian Ewropeaidd a chymorth ariannol Llywodraeth Cymru i adfywio’r dref. Nid yw... More
    Opened 26 September 2013
  • Costs protection in defamation and privacy claims: the Government’s proposals

    Costs protection protects parties from the costs that they might have to pay to the other side in civil litigation. Our proposals are designed to help people and organisations of modest means to be able to bring and defend defamation and privacy claims without the fear of having to pay unaffordable legal costs to the other side if they lose. The consultation also proposes that those of substantial means (whether individuals or organisations, such as national newspapers) would be excluded from... More
    Opened 13 September 2013
  • Judicial Review: proposals for further reform

    Introduction The Government is inviting views on potential measures for the further reform of judicial review. The measures aim to tackle the burden that the growth in unmeritorious judicial reviews has placed on stretched public services whilst protecting access to justice and the rule of law. The consultation exercise seeks views on proposals in a number of key areas: how the courts deal with minor procedural defects that would have made no difference to the final... More
    Opened 6 September 2013
  • Transforming Legal Aid: Next Steps

    Nearly 16,000 responses were received following the Transforming Legal Aid consultation published in April . In addition to these, the Ministry of Justice held 14 stakeholder events throughout the consultation period. The responses are summarised at Annex B . All views expressed have been carefully considered and it is on the basis of these that the proposals set out in Part 1 have been determined. In the case of two of the original Transforming Legal Aid proposals – those to introduce... More
    Opened 5 September 2013
  • Reforming mesothelioma claims

    This is a consultation on a package of reforms to the procedures governing mesothelioma claims in England and Wales. Mesothelioma is an aggressive and, sadly, terminal occupational disease. Approximately 2,200 people currently die in England and Wales each year from this terrible condition, with sufferers having a median life expectancy of only 7 to 9 months from diagnosis. Despite this, around 50% of claims for compensation for mesothelioma take over 12 months to settle, which means... More
    Opened 24 July 2013
  • Proposal on the future of North Liverpool Community Justice Centre

    This is a consultation proposal to close the North Liverpool Community Justice Centre and transfer the work of the Centre, and the principles of its problem solving approach, of the court to Sefton Magistrates' Court. North Liverpool Community Justice Centre has operated from its Boundary Street site, a former primary school, since September 2005. However, the local workload has fallen to the extent that the Centre is now underutilised. In the light of current and future financial... More
    Opened 17 July 2013
  • Comisiwn y Gyfraith: 12th Raglen Diwygio'r Gyfraith

    Mae Comisiwn y Gyfraith yn ymgymryd â phrosiectau diwygio'r gyfraith gyda'r bwriad o wneud y gyfraith yn deg, syml, clir a chost-effeithiol. Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn ymgynghori ar ba feysydd newydd ddylai cael eu trin yn ein rhaglen nesaf o ddiwygio'r gyfraith. I wneud hyn, rydym yn gofyn: yn lle mae'r gyfraith yn methu gweithio'n iawn? Defnyddiwch yr holiadur hwn, os gwelwch yn dda i ddweud wrthym lle rydych yn credu bod problem arwyddocaol â'r gyfraith. Rydym eisiau gwybod beth rydych... More
    Opened 2 July 2013
  • Law Commission: 12th Programme of Law Reform

    The Law Commission carries out law reform projects with the aim of making the law fair, simple, clear and cost-effective. We are currently consulting on what new areas of law should be addressed in our next programme of law reform. To do this, we are asking: where is the law failing to work properly? Proposing a law reform project Please use this survey questionnaire to tell us where you think there is a significant problem with the law. We want to know what you think is wrong and... More
    Opened 2 July 2013
  • Consultation on draft rules in relation to non-contentious probate business in England and Wales

    This is a consultation produced by the President of the Family Division’s Working Group detailing the proposed amendments to the Non-Contentious Probate Rules 1987. The consultation is aimed at those interested in the administration of estates, members of the public and probate practitioners in England and Wales. Views are invited in particular on the updated language and ease of use of the rules and also whether they are appropriate for a modern Probate Service and are... More
    Opened 28 June 2013
337 results. Page 9 of 12